How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup New App Feature

How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup New App Feature

Google’s Backup and Sync feature is now Introduced, and it solve data sync and backup in your MAC or Laptop.

This feature permits users to store and sync everything on their laptop to Google Drive and Google Photos while not having to transport files around. The app will back-up photos, videos, and documents from your laptop or external devices, like USBs and SD cards, straight to the cloud. It’s an easy way to certify your synced files square measure still around if any thing happens to your device.

The biggest good thing about Google Backup and sync is that users not have to be compelled to compile all their files from totally different sources into one location. you'll be able to merely choose that folders on your pc you'd wish to backup, and Google can lookout of the remaining things. The files you decide on are sent to the cloud and become stored on Google Drive and Photos on all of your synced devices, together with computers, smartphones, and tablets.

To make a copy your files onto Google Photos and Google Drive, head to the present webpage and transfer Backup and sync. the primary step when gap the app are to sign into your Google account. Once you’re signed in, choose whether or not you'd prefer to transfer all files or simply photos and videos.

From there, you'll be taken to the device screen (“laptop” during this case), wherever the app can show your file folders. you'll be able to choose or unselect the most folders at the highest and select individual folders by pressing “choose folder.”

Once you’ve chosen the folders you would like to backup, you’ll ought to choose the image quality of your photos and videos: original size or “high quality” compressed files. Note, original size files can go toward your knowledge limit, whereas unlimited “high quality” files is synced at no cost. choose “OK” once you're able to synchronise files to Google Drive and Photos. once it’s done syncing (you will see its progress by pressing the cloud icon), Google can open up Photos or Drive and show you the new synced files. You’ll notice all synced files have a green mark on them once viewed in File individual or Finder.

To return to Google Backup and Sync, right click the cloud icon, press on the three vertical dots, and select “preferences.” Here, you will see the same upload interface as before, except you can now choose to remove items or decide if you want all newly uploaded photos to be synced to Google Photos. You can also select “USB devices and SD Cards” at the bottom of the screen to upload items from external devices. The “Google Drive” tab on the left side of the app lets you sync your My Drive files to your device.

All changes created to files within the Google Drive folder can mechanically synchronise all over on your laptop. meaning if you've got a Word document uploaded to Drive, you'll be able to realize and open it in your Drive folder, create changes to that, and open the new altered version on any device. identical goes for photos and videos, thus if you delete or edit a picture, that action are going to be mirrored across all of your synced devices.

There are few steps that would trip around the process. First, Google Backup and sync didn't show on my Windows 10 taskbar when i was open. I may solely access it by minimizing all different tasks. If you pin it to your taskbar and take a look at to open it a traditional program, you may see a dialogue box voice communication Backup and set is already open. the single way to open the app once your initial setup is by finding the cloud icon in your shortcuts, right-clicking it, striking the 3 vertical dots, and choosing “Preferences.” If you have got bother installing Backup and set, there’s an honest probability you have already got it downloaded on your pc.

There are a few things that could trip you up along the way. First, Google Backup and Sync did not show up on my Windows 10 taskbar when it was open. I could only access it by minimizing all other tasks. If you pin it to your taskbar and try to open it like a normal program, you will see a dialogue box saying Backup and Sync is already open. The only way to open the app after your initial setup is by finding the cloud icon in your shortcuts, right-clicking it, hitting the three vertical dots, and selecting “Preferences.” If you have trouble installing Backup and Sync, there’s a good chance you already have it downloaded on your computer.

Google Backup and sync is obtainable on each computer and mac, and it replaces Google’s photos and Drive uploaders. Google offers 15GB of cloud storage free before you have got to begin paying a monthly fee. Remember, if you wish to remove files from going toward your quota, you'll continuously transfer in lower quality, or what Google considers “high quality.”

How to use Google Backup and Sync

Press "Get started" to begin.
How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature

Sign in to your Google account.
How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature

Choose the folders you want to back up to Google Drive. You can even select the quality of the photos Google will store. Tap Next.
How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature

Now you'll see this screen. It'll drop a folder on your computer where you can drag and drop files to automatically upload them to the cloud, letting you access them from anywhere. You probably don't want to sync everything — mine has 86.4GB of data!
How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature

That's all there is to it. Now your computer will start backing up to Google Drive. It'll take a while depending on your connection speed and how much you're backing up.
How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature

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How to Use Google Drive Sync and Backup App New Feature,Google Drive,Google ,Computer File,One drive,Backup.


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