How to Solve Most Common Issues(Problems) of Windows in Your PC

How to Solve Most Common Issues(Problems) of Windows in Your PC

Learn about a few free software tools to help you resolve the most unusual home windows troubles. they may be all compatible with windows xp, vista and home windows 7.

Solve windows issues with free tools

I am looking to delete a record from my computer but the laptop received’t allow me do that. as an alternative, it throws me an error message pronouncing that the file /folder is in use by way of some other software or person.

You could both reboot your laptop in safe mode to delete that report or, in case you need some thing extra easy, get unlocker. it’s a unfastened utility so one can let you close all of the approaches which have probably locked the record and as soon as they're closed, you may then adequately delete the document.

I  assume i deleted a report by mistake. can i recover it?

Recuva is a free software so one can test your tough drives, usb stick and different outside drives for any deleted documents that it is able to in all likelihood recover. it may now not paintings in all cases specifically when you securely deleted a record.
How to Solve Most Common Issues(Problems) of Windows in Your PC

Every time i replica some thing new to the home windows clipboard, the preceding content material gets erased. am i able to make it permanent?

You can use ditto, a free application that sort-of provides reminiscence in your home windows clipboard. you could copy anything to the clipboard and it'll live there so long as you want.

How do i protect files and folders on my computer?

Whilst there are loose gear like Hide folder that will let you easily guard files and folders with a password, use truecrypt in case you need a more comfortable answer. the plain downside with a application like truecrypt is that if you neglect the password, it's far nearly impossible to retrieve the included documents.

I am looking to play a video file on my pc but the media participant says that i am missing positive formats.

You can use a tool like video inspector to determine which audio and video formats are required to play the video document on your computer. rather, you can download a codec bundle just like the K light codec Pack able to allow you to play surely any audio and video format in your laptop.

i am strolling out of disk area on my home windows computer. how am i able to take away all of the unnecessary files from the computer and recover some disk space?

There are three matters you can do right here:

Open the run field and type “cleanmgr” to open the integrated disk cleanup software. it's going to put off all the temp files and the needless machine documents which you no longer need.

Use windirstat to determine where all your disk area has gone. once in a while files are hidden in sub-directories that you can safely move to other drives or even delete them completely (extra options).

Use Duplicate Cleaner to become aware of and delete all of the replica files on your hard drives. you could flow the duplicates to the recycle bin or, if you want to play secure, to any any other folder from in which they may be without problems recovered.

This fall. my computer takes lot of time as well-up. i checked the “begin-up” folder within the windows begin menu and there aren’t any packages out there.

Enter “msconfig” in the run container to open the “system configuration” tool and then switch to the “begin-up” tab. disable all the applications that you don’t want to run at some point of begin-up. in case you are a energy consumer, you can also switch to the “services” tab and disable all of the unnecessary offerings.

autoruns is any other awesome application that shows you what programs are configured to run in the course of gadget boot up or login.

I am looking to uninstall a program from my computer but the widespread add-put off applications isn't letting me through.

You may use the unfastened revo uninstaller utility to remove every unmarried hint of any software from your pc. revo can also dispose of entries from the windows registry that could were left by way of previous un-installation workouts.

My home windows crashed with a “blue display screen.” why?

You really want to get in touch with a geek to debug the cryptic blue display screen errors (aka “blue screen of dying”) however if you are lucky, a free utility referred to as bluescreenview can provide vital clues. blue display view will test the windows dump documents to decide the tool drivers that probably induced the crash.

It takes a while to duplicate documents in windows from one folder to some other. the situation is marginally better in windows 7 (over vista) but nonetheless, is there a manner to copy documents quicker?

You may use an outside file copying software like teracopy or maybe richcopy – they’ll not best reproduction /move files across drives quicker but you can also resume damaged report transfers (similar to ftp operations).

Common Issues(Problems) of Windows,How to Solve Most Common Issues(Problems) of Windows in Your PC,Common Errors of Windows,Solutions for Windows Problems,Windows,Fixing Windows Issues.


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